Monday, March 17, 2008

Day Four

Today started as bright sun and no clouds. We saw so many of these piles of hay on the farms.

On this windy day we saw at least 3 wind farms. The windmills are HUGE! Did you notice the size compared to the truck in the previous picture??

Lots of tumbleweeds and the cactus has started. So many of the dry gulches...some not so dry. This is good since there is a drought.

Watering of the crops is done by these long frames. I counted at least 15 wide/long.

Saw one cattle producer that had at least a thousand cattle contained in a very small area. We've never seen so many in such a small place!

Tonight we arrived at the Albuquerque Elks Club. Narrow spot, but we finally got in, then called Rick's cousin, Chip Price. He had heard we would arrive soon, and had prepared Aunt Ginny's cabbage rolls for dinner. Yummy! Great time had by all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Super Cool Pictures. It's interesting to see where you two have been! Miss you guys! Jennifer