Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Very Special Potlatch/GAM

During the earlier part of the Caravan, we had Potlatches. These are socials to get to meet each other. Bring your own drink, chair, and an easy snack to share. Usually in groups of 6 couples. Hopefully it won't rain!! One was scheduled for the first evening in Dawson Creek, Yukon Territory. This one is different.

Why is Jim Matkovich (our fearless leader of the Caravan) using the sound system?

Something is going on...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Jerry and Mary Lou Cristy on your 50th Wedding Anniversary!!

Tom Venable, a Methodist Minister, performed a re-affirmation ceremony.


Not like the first one...even better!!


Cutting the cake... at least the first one...

Everyone gets a piece of cake.

Our campground.

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