Monday, October 6, 2008

Eldorado Gold Mine

A visit to a gold mine.

The train station.

The engine of our train.

A typical gold miner's cabin.

An engine to work the mine.

The owner of the mine told us how the sluice works.

Water running thru the sluice. The largest of the gold nuggets are left at the top of the sluice and the stones are washed on down.

College kids work here and show us how to pan for gold.

After the stones and dirt are washed away, this much gold was left.

Wife of the owner shows us the nuggets that were left when the water went thru the sluice. The gold flakes are from the students that did the panning. The soil they use, comes from the actual mine...these were in the soil dumped from the backhoe.

Now we get to pan for gold.

Thru the tunnel.

We each recieved a leather bag full of soil.

We get to keep the gold that we panned.

Ready for the next set of panners. We put our gold flakes into little black film cannisters.

We now go into the gift shop, where we get our gold weighed and valued (ours together was worth $20) and can have it put into a necklace or earrings to display. The necklaces started at about $30 each. Talk about gold mining!!

The crew waves good-bye as we get back on the train to get back to the cars.

Our group wasn't the only one at the mine today.

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